Thank You

Last week I shared a post on LinkedIn by Josh Bersin about giving thanks to coworkers, colleagues, customers and volunteers. Aside from providing empirical evidence that recognizing others’ contributions is a good practice, Bersin got me thinking about how I could properly thank the people and businesses who have played a role in helping me…

Writing Counts in Resumes

Photo Credit When it comes to resumes, I have one simple rule: if you can’t prove it, you can’t say it. That means statements like exceptional customer service, outstanding project management skills, and superior communication and leadership are O-U-T. Why? Because unless you won the Exceptional Customer Service Award, it’s just your opinion of…


Is Your Resume Ready for the 2014 Job Fair Season?

Photo Credit Dean McCoy If you’re in the Hamilton Ontario area, and looking for a new position, you’ll want to mark January 23rd on your calendar. The Connect to Careers fair, a collaboration between higher education institutions and Hamilton Economic Development will take place at Careport and is open to the public from 1-4pm. Whether…

Managing Millennials

The M Factor by Lynne Lancaster & David Stillman   Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Millennials are here to stay, and you’d better figure out how to handle them in the workplace. Some quick facts: Millennials currently make up roughly 1/3 of the workforce, and by 2025 they will represent 75% of global employees. They…

Rockefeller Tree

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Photo Credit Rob Nguyen The holidays are fast approaching, and for most job seekers this brings a host of anxieties. People mistakenly believe that employers stop hiring because everyone is on vacation, or because everything will be pushed to the new year. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Whether you celebrate the holidays or…