Business Card Thomas McMahon

Networking – How to Keep Your Contacts

Image Credit Thomas McMahon My post How to Work the Room Like a Pro got some attention (thanks for the shares) and I received lots of follow up questions. What most of my readers, clients, and LinkedIn contacts want to know is: once you’ve connected with someone, what exactly do you do with them after that…

Sue Waters Network

LinkedIn – Tag Your Network

Image Credit Sue Waters  When I was a kid, tag was a game you played at recess where you ran around at top speed, and tried to reach out and touch one of your friends, yelling “You’re It!” Tags have something of a different meaning today, with search engine optimization, blogs, metadata… all roughly translated…

Garrett Coakley Good Question

Interviews – Tell Me About Yourself

Image Credit Garret Coakley No four words seem to inspire such terror in interview candidates. It isn’t a difficult question, but I’ve watched clients in mock interviews reduce themselves to stuttering and rambling facades of the amazing professionals they are when faced with this icebreaker. From my perspective as a coach, both HR and candidates…